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Perception is Everything! 1)     Fill out your profile completely, including name, bio and interests, location- in this case, the locationof your character (this is actually quite important and I’ll tell you why a bit later), blog links and any other links, such as your Cock Radio show, TalkShoe show, Enchantrix Empire, etc.

2)     Participate in network activities often (the more active you appear across the internet, the more reputable you appear), pay attention to the tone and quality of the content you are putting out there, and regularly participate in adding comments and contributing to discussions everywhere you go on the internet.  Your level of voluntary interaction with others, particularly when it comes to furthering their discussions, instead of pushing your own, weighs heavily on your online reputation.

3)     Make sure you are creating a cohesive identity for your character across networks, with connections and followers, groups and events you join, applications and social widgets you choose to add to your sites and profiles, and applications and social widgets you participate in on others’ profiles.

4)     Realize and understand that trust only builds over time; it doesn’t happen overnight.  Trust cannot be forced on them, they have to build it on their own, based on your online behavior reputation (profile  + participation + identity) = trust level

5)     Those with a high trust level are perceived as influencers and evangelists.  Both groups (influencers and evangelists) are quite charismatic, but in very different ways.  Influencers are those who don’t go out of their way to preach a message, but other people watch and mimic their actions.  Evangelists are those who actively preach messages and others perceive their messages to be the gospel; most times at face value, without verifying the accuracy of the message.  Having both groups in your corner is a proverbial touchdown.